Friday, 10 May 2013

Standing upright - Part III

In Part I I looked at changes in pelvic configuration from early hominids. It’s useful to note these changes as it helps explain why we are good at being bipedal and conversely, what wouldn't work or work very well. I’ve laid out what I’ve found here in terms of adaptations to the pelvis from quadruped to biped, these can act as our ‘ground rules’ for consideration when designing anthro characters or mechanical walkers.

Points to consider:

  • Centre of gravity – bipeds must make sure their centre of gravity doesn't shift drastically from side to side with each step, this is destablising and inefficient.
  • A tall pelvis has the effect of lengthening the torso, meaning that the centre of gravity moves higher, further away from the hips. This makes the trunk harder to stabilise.
  • The ‘S’ curve of the lumbar vertebra lowers the centre of gravity towards the hips, helping stabilise the torso.
  • This lumbar curve also gives the vertebral column the flex needed to withstand the pressure of the torso acting through it, the lower lumbar have widened giving a larger surface area for weight transmission.
  • A wider sacrum has evolved to accommodate the wider lower lumbar vertebra. The sacroiliac joint (connecting the sacrum and the pelvis) also has a large surface area for weight transmission from the torso through both sides of the pelvis down to the femoral heads.
  • The widened sacrum increases the width of the 'true pelvis', (the space through the centre of the pelvis), facilitating the ability to birth offspring with much larger craniums.
  • However, a wider pelvis is a problem. During the support phase of locomotion one leg is off the ground. The weight of the torso is now acting on the femoral head of the standing leg. This is an example of a first class lever (levers that balance weight like a child's see-saw). The femoral head is acting as the pivot and the distance from the pivot to the body weight is called the 'load arm'. The ‘force arm’ on the other side of the pivot is our gluteus medius (an abductor muscle). It contracts to counterbalance the load arm. The wider we make our pelvis the longer we make the load arm, putting more pressure on the femoral head. We need a larger force or longer force arm to increase the mechanical advantage of this lever, otherwise we risk damaging the femoral head or having the hips slump with each step, just like the chimpanzee. In the Lucy skeleton, Australopithecus afarensis, it reveals her long load arm was countered by an increased length in the neck of the femur and a flaring of the iliac crest of the pelvis to place the abductors further from the pivot.
  • The bicondylar angle is unique in humans. The femurs converge at the knees, bringing the legs close to the midline. This means the feet pass close to the midline and the centre of gravity is maintained directly underneath the torso. This is energy efficient as it doesn’t create a side to side motion of the hips when we walk.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled onto your site and now know what I'll be doing all day. I teach and study embodied human anatomy and your illustrations are so helpful!
