Tuesday 20 November 2012


Some main human facial movements compared with those need for an anthro' character with a longer muzzle.

Some ideas on the muscular arrangement needed on an anthro' characters face to fulfil human expression and speech. Note that the zygomatic bone is one of the most important areas of the face, anchoring the large masseter of the jaw (for this herbivore) and the zygomaticus and levator labii muscles to control lift of the mouth for smiling. Ultimately the shorter the muzzle the finer these small expressive movements can be, he'll probably still end up curling his lips! I'd need to spend time on how this would look if fur where to cover the face.


  1. Wow, this is a really difficult area to tackle so I am impressed at the outcome, another example of the drive and thoroughness of your process which astounds me.
    Maybe some software to input the shape and action of the muscles would be the best idea to visualise the range of movements possible and the look it would give to the completed fur covered muzzle.

  2. Beautiful drawing regardless of the huge amount of thought and study needed to prepare it! Amazing work as always.
